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Customer Setup Form

Account Information


Are you taking over an existing account?


  License Expiration Date

Open Date

Address Information

Billing Address

Shipping Address

Contact Information


Accounts Payable


Request Options

Delivery Instructions

Number of draft lines

 (Learn more)
Get access to our digital product portfolio, pay invoices and even place your own orders

Want free automatic FINTECH payments? (Click here to enroll)

Certificate of Exemption

Are you eligble for tax exemption in the state of Wisconsin?

Customer Terms Policy

All Lee Beverage invoices must be paid within 15 days from the delivery date to maintain compliancewith the State of Wisconsin. Lee Beverage deliveries will not be made to an account with any invoiceover 15 days. Please contact our business office with any questions.

Wisconsin Alcohol Beverage and Tobacco Laws
for Retailers – Section XVII


A licensee may only buy liquor or beer for cash or on credit terms for a period not toexceed 30 days (liquor) or 15 days (beer). Licensees may not buy liquor if they are in debt to any liquorwholesaler for more than 30 days, or beer if they are in debt to any beer wholesaler for more than 15days. A person may not be issued a license if he or she exceeds these limits.

To assist you with making timely payments and moving towards a no-cash policy to increase your safetyand the safety of our employees, we offer the following payment options:

  1. FINTECH: Automated Electronic Payment Processing
    1. EFT payments pulled from your account by a third party on the invoice due date andtransferred to Lee Beverage of Wisconsin – NO FEE / IT’S FREE!
    2. No more past due invoices
    3. No risk of holds being placed on your deliveries
    4. Guaranteed compliance with State Law
    5. Additional services to understand purchase history should you choose
  2. SALES REPRESENTATIVE PICK UP: On scheduled call days
  3. MAIL: Please mail payment to our Oshkosh office to avoid delays in payment application.
    1. 2850 S. Oakwood Road, Oshkosh, WI 54904
  4. DIRECT BILLER: Make on the go online payments any time you want
    1. Click here to register

To assist you with maintaining your account history, you will be set up with these added services:


Call or email our accounts receivable department if you have any questions.

  1. PHONE: 920.479.7960 – Main Office Hours; 8am – 4pm CST
  2. EMAIL:

Lee Beverage Minimum Delivery Charge Policy

Lee Beverage will place a minimum delivery charge of $3.00 on deliveries that have total combinedinvoice value less than $250. Any off-day deliveries are subject to a delivery charge of $25.00.

If you are struggling to meet the $250 minimum order, please work with your sales representative toreduce your delivery stops or find ways to increase sales through new and exciting products.


WHEREAS, the undersigned person(s) interested in the corporation making application for credit, desire that the corporation shallpurchase from time to time as it may need, alcoholic beverages and related products from Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC on creditfor the period of time allowed by law.

NOW THEREFORE, as an inducement to Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC to extend such credit to the corporation/partnership,the undersigned, jointly and severally, guarantee to Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC the payment of all accounts between thecorporation/partnership and Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC at the time they become due. The undersigned acknowledge that theextension of credit by Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC to the corporation/partnership is good and sufficient consideration to theundersigned, and the undersigned hereby agrees that any extensions of time or waivers on the part of Lee Beverage of Wisconsin,LLC to the corporation/partnership shall not effect the liability of the undersigned on this guaranty, which extensions or waivers maybe with or without our request or notice. Presentment for payment, notice of non-payment, and protest are each waived.

Signature   Date