WHEREAS, the undersigned person(s) interested in the corporation making application for credit, desire that the corporation shallpurchase from time to time as it may need, alcoholic beverages and related products from Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC on creditfor the period of time allowed by law.
NOW THEREFORE, as an inducement to Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC to extend such credit to the corporation/partnership,the undersigned, jointly and severally, guarantee to Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC the payment of all accounts between thecorporation/partnership and Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC at the time they become due. The undersigned acknowledge that theextension of credit by Lee Beverage of Wisconsin, LLC to the corporation/partnership is good and sufficient consideration to theundersigned, and the undersigned hereby agrees that any extensions of time or waivers on the part of Lee Beverage of Wisconsin,LLC to the corporation/partnership shall not effect the liability of the undersigned on this guaranty, which extensions or waivers maybe with or without our request or notice. Presentment for payment, notice of non-payment, and protest are each waived.